The IKEA Kids Club


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Activities for Parents and kiddos



Blow bubbles and have your child 'catch' the bubbles. To extend this activity, count the bubbles out loud as your child "catches" them to expose your child to number order.

You can let your child try to blow the bubbles as well.

Towel Tube Bowling

Towel Tube Bowling

Using paper towel tubes or toilet paper tubes, line them up on the floor in a bowling arrangement. Use a ball to roll them down. You can also use an exercise mat as a 'bowling alley'.

Sort the things

Sort the things

Create baskets and label them. Then, spread out items on the floor and have your child sort them in a short time. This can also be part of your clean-up activity! ;)

Have an indoor picnic

Have an indoor picnic

Lay out an outdoor tablecloth on the floor, and enjoy lunch together. Kids think it’s a big treat to do the everyday in a special place. Make some tea and have a little tea time in cups with saucers with desserts or biscuits. Try having tea with our DUKTIG coffee/tea set.

What animal is that?

What animal is that?

Print off some images of animals. Cut them out and show them to your child to remember them, then proceed to hide them around the house. Then, make animal noises for your child to look for it accordingly.

Hiking in the home

Hiking in the home

Pile up a few couch or bed pillows around the house and pretend those are rocks and mountains. Hike through/ climb through them with your child like an adventure!

Dance and move to music

Dance and move to music

Turn on some music and have you and your child dance to them. You can switch between classical, rock and pop for the fun of it!

Cereal city

Cereal city

Save empty cereal boxes. Arrange them like buildings in a city, you can also use little pieces of cloths to make roads for the cities and little torchlights as street lamps.

After the city is built, weave a story and both you and your child can pretend to be monsters and destroy the city.

The IKEA Kids Club